Reset the Password

$ homarr reset-owner-password

# if you want to change password of a specific user
$ homarr reset-password --username {your username} 

New Version

First upgrade to 0.14.0, then upgrade to the latest version, if your are using 0.13.x or older version

remove -e "EDIT_MODE_PASSWORD={your password}"

add -v {your folder}:/data

Old Version

docker run  \\
  --name homarr \\
  --restart unless-stopped \\
  -p 7575:7575 \\
  -v F:/Docker/homarr/configs:/app/data/configs \\
  -v F:/Docker/homarr/icons:/app/public/icons \\
  -e "EDIT_MODE_PASSWORD={your password}" \\

Homarr documentation